Recently a Developer Stream took place on the Armored Warfare Twitch channel. It focused on Update 0.13 and its recording can be viewed here.

During the stream, the developers answered a number of player questions. Here's what awaits Armored Warfare in the future!
- - The developers are planning to give certain vehicles (especially Tank Destroyers) improved gun depression
- - Smoke grenades for the M8 will be added in Update 0.14
- - It is possible the developers will add further armor upgrades to the M8
- - When targeting enemy threaded vehicle suspension, shooting the idler or the drive sprocket instead of the roadwheels does additional damage to the suspension
- - Artillery will be given additional features to expand its support role in the future
- - Third Dealer will include Eastern-European vehicles (Czechoslovakia, Poland)
- - The developers will discuss how to improve the vision and spotting system of Armored Warfare
- - High-tier non-MBT vehicles‘ role will be improved by reducing the mobility of some high-tier MBTs (to a degree) and by buffing the other classes
- - Another MBT adjustment will involve making the weak points slightly easier to hit
- - The high-tier rebalance will happen in several phases and over a number of updates
- - For now an open world map mode where players could roam free is not planned but the developers have a lot of ideas for the future
- - The developers will discuss adding the PvE Mission name to the PvE queue screen so players will know what map they are in the queue for and see if it changes
- - Friends list will be extended to at least 200 slots
- - The developers will improve the APS mechanics but not by introducing a chance for it to fail. Instead they do want to introduce active (need to be manually activated) and passive (activate automatically) APS systems. In the short term the APS cooldowns will be increased because currently they are too low, rendering ATGMs on higher tiers obsolete
- - The idea to start a battle immediately instead of waiting for the 30 second countdown when all the players are in the game already was not forgotten but the initial version had technical difficulties and the deployment had to be delayed
- - Base upgrades (including long term plans) are currently in development
- - Crew and Commander skill overhaul is in progress. The Commander skill selection will become more varied and the commanders will be more profiled to fit their intended playstyles. The crew update will come in a later patch after the Commander update
- - Improved targeting indicator (a mechanism allowing, for example, artillery players to show others who they are targeting) is in development
- - Chat macros will be updated to be more context sensitive and to provide better information to players
- - Both Light Tank and Tank Destroyer active abilities will be improved in the future
- - There are plans for multi-stage PvP objectives as a part of brand new match mechanics
- - There will be new retrofits types coming up in new vehicle lines
- - The M1128 Stryker will receive an art update as well as a gun depression and elevation buff
- - High-tier (Tier 9 and 10) Tank Destroyers will be added in the future
- - The developers are constantly improving the PvE AI, there are plans to introduce advanced tactics and coordination making AI enemies more responsive
- - Escort PvE missions are tricky to get right because the AI needs to be on the players side, they are not coming in immediate future
- - The Centurion will be added as a lower tier MBT in the future
- - The developers want to improve the tank motion physics in Armored Warfare such as vehicle traction
- - Certain environmental objects slow vehicles too much when collided with, this will be fixed in the future
That's it for today. See you on the battlefield!
Reviewed by Anton

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