PTS already get update and it bring M1134 ATGM Premium tier 7 AFV ( but I think it should be Tank Destroyer class). It's already ready to use and buy. You can buy it with 5500 gold ( not too expensive, I think it's cheap). Due this AFV still in PTS I think maybe it's still in development and maybe Dev's will buff or nerf when it's come to patch 0.14 .
First time I see this AFV, I imagine MGS Stryker in my head. M1134 similar to Stryker, but in M1134 you can't find AP or HEAT round, just ATGM. ATGM is main Ammo in M1134. Dpm is 3438 in stock without retrofits, demage per shot is 568 without retrofits with solvo size 2, so total you can deal 1.136 demage in one reload. Reload time is about 17.82 s , aim time/wait time is 1.50 s.
The armor is normal just like other AFV. Frontal hull 38mm, side 38mm, rear 35mm. Front turrent armor is 38mm, side 35mm, rear 30mm. The armor is not good at all but you got ERA in front and side armor, enough to hold HE and HEAT I think.
The speed is prety good. Top speed is 100.80km/h. acceleration from 0km/h to 32km/h is fast,
just 3.00 s.
I try to play with this AFV in PVP and PVE but in PVP I didn't find match in 20 m due low player online in PTS. So I play in PVE but.... MM put me alone in map Lol
After play with M1134, my opinion is this AFV is worth to buy. My reason is because it's so fast, high mobility, high penetration, high dpm and dps, and credit maker. Maybe I will buy this AFV.
And the last, some screen shot guys. Enjoy
Reviewed by Anton

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