Patch 0.14 Preliminary
Field Rebuild Kit
- Starting in 0.14, players who have been killed in PvE matches will have the opportunity to revive in the match by using a new Field Rebuild Kit consumable purchased in the garage.If a player is destroyed in a match and has a Field Rebuild Kit equipped, they will be presented with a 30 second window to revive. Upon reviving, they are restored to 60% health and ammo at a pre-determined revive point of their choosing. After reviving, the player will be invulnerable to damage for 15 seconds or until they fire their weapon.
- If the kit is activated while the player is still alive, it will restore 100% of the player's health and a portion of their ammunition.
I. Gameplay
- Falling damage is no longer based on absolute height differences. As a result, grazing collisions with terrain should no longer deal damage.
- The SPG class bonus to Reputation and Credits has been increased from 20% to 40% in PvE. This has no effect on rewards earned in PvP.
- Implemented some optimizations geared towards improving performance on AMD systems
- Fixed an issue where vehicles would take damage while driving through a fence.
- Fixed an issue where vehicles were being shown 'Enemy Spotted' indicators after putting fires out on their vehicles.
- Fixed an issue where when out of one ammo type, vehicles default to ammo in Slot 1 instead of the ammo that was most recently loaded.
- Fixed an issue where players were able to buy Tier 4 and above premium vehicles when they should be locked.
- Fixed an issue where the vehicle status panel would remain on screen during the Kill Cam banner.
- Players will now earn commendations throughout their PvE and PvP matches whenever they perform an action which nets them reputation or credits.
- Players can currently earn the following commendations:
- Killing an Enemy - Rewards the 'Slayer' commendation
- Assisting in a Kill - Rewards the 'Wingman' commendation
- Damaging an Enemy - Rewards the 'Bruiser' commendation
- Assisting Damage - Rewards the 'Facilitator' commendation
- Designated Damage - Rewards the 'Tactician' commendation
- Spotting an Enemy - Rewards the 'Scout' commendation
- Spotting Damage - Rewards the 'Instigator' commendation
- Allies Hidden By Smoke Shells/Grenades - Rewards the 'Blinder' commendation
- Destroying Enemy Modules - Rewards the 'Saboteur' commendation
- Killing Enemy Crew - Rewards the 'Widowmaker' commendation
- Base Capture - Rewards the 'Infiltrator' commendation
- Base Defense - Rewards the 'Defender' commendation
- Completing an Objective - Rewards the 'Operative' commendation
Replays (ALPHA)
- Implemented initial support for players to record videos of their matches so they can replay, review, and relive their past matches and greatest moments!
- Players can access the replay menu by pressing the new video recording icon in the top-right corner of the screen. In the replay menu, players can enable or disable match recordings (by default they are set not to record), as well as view, edit or delete previous match recordings in the replay folder.
- Playing a recording of a match will allow players to view everything from the perspective of the replay creator. Players can pause, play or stop their recording, as well as increase or decrease the speed at which they want the match to replay. Additionally, players can spectate specific vehicles or seamlessly switch into a free-cam observer mode.
- While navigating a replay, players have access to the following shortcut commands:
- Mouse Movement - Controls Camera Look
- W - Forward Movement
- S - Backwards Movement
- A - Left Movement
- D - Right Movement
- C - Downwards Movement
- Spacebar - Upwards movement
- LShift - Fast Camera movement
- T - Increase Camera Movement Speed
- G - Decrease Camera Movement Speed
- 1 - Press to save a camera position, press again to add multiple camera positions.
- 2 - Press to have the camera transition/interpolate between all saved camera positions.
- 3 - Clear all saved cameras.
- LCtrl - Enable Mouse Cursor
- TAB - Team List
- ESC - Menu
- F2 - Enable/disable UI
- At this time, replays are only recorded client side, which prevents players from replaying the battle from the perspective of the enemy team. However, replays recorded in spectator mode can be viewed from both team's perspectives.
- It is important to note that replays are currently patch specific and are not guaranteed to work from one patch to the next.
- Changed the color of the PvE miniboss tag so that is can be easily recognizable and distinct among the various color settings.
- Updated the in-match UI for Rewards Feedback and Tab Overlay
- Updated the in-match spectator text to white for more visibility across all maps.
- Updated the Commendations element container to make it drag-able.
- Commander and Crew tabs have been merged into a new Personnel Tab.
- Fixed an issue where players who were revived in match were shown the Defeat UI screen.
- Fixed an issue where vehicle tags would become pixelated on destroyed vehicles.
- Fixed an issue where the reticle was missing UI components.
- Fixed an issue causing the 'Ignored Players' list to disappear into the UI.
- Fixed an issue where in-game UI messages for reload-time were not properly updating.
- Fixed an issue where placeholder text was appearing in matches.
- Fixed an issue where auto-resupply for consumables would continue to activate even when disabled in the UI.
III. Garage
- Players will now be notified when a user goes offline while chatting with them
- Fixed an issue where mouse-click sounds were triggered where there should not have been sounds.
- Fixed an issue where a vehicle sold while being used in a platoon would still display as available.
- Fixed an issue where the player's username would overlap the dealer buttons when playing at a 1920x1080 resolution
IV. Vehicles
- LT and TD Penetration Revamp
As one of the steps toward improving our Tier 6+ gameplay, we're improving the penetration values of Tier 6+ LTs and TDs that are currently below average. In some select cases, we'll also be improving penetration for TDs that are already in average ranges, but might need some extra punch to fit the TD role. - Updated TD and MBT Cannon Depression Values
- In 0.14, we've begun the process of updating the underlining system controlling the depression values on our vehicles. As a result, we've been able to give many of our vehicles a much-needed increase in cannon depression not only from the front and rear but also on the sides. While we plan on updating the values for all of our vehicles where needed, we have started with Tank Destroyers and a select handful of MBTs first.
- AMX-10 PAC 90
- Increased cannon depression on the Front/Sides/Rear to -10 / -10 / -10 degrees
- B1 Centauro
- Stock AP penetration increased from 303 to 333
- Upgraded AP penetration increased from 318 to 357
- HEAT penetration increased from 278 to 292
- Increased cannon depression on the Front/Sides/Rear to -8 / -10 / -6 degrees
- BMPT Prototype
- Reduced rear armor from 80mm to 70mm in order to bring it in-line with the other vehicles in the line.
- C1 Ariete
- Increased cannon depression on the Rear to -1.5 degrees
- Centauro 120
- No penetration changes; this vehicle already has sufficient penetration for its tier and is performing above average
- Increased cannon depression on the Front/Sides/Rear to -8 / -20 / -8 degrees
- Challenger 1
- Increased cannon elevation on the rear to 3 degrees
- Challenger 2
- Increased cannon depression on the Front/Sides to -10 / -10 degrees
- Chieftain MK 5 and 6
- Increased cannon depression on the Front/Sides to -12 / -12 degrees
- Draco
- Added 76mm SAPOM-ER rounds to the vehicle's upgraded STRALES cannon.
- ERC 90 F4
- Increased cannon depression on the Sides/Rear to -12 / -10 degrees
- Expeditionary Tank
- AP penetration increased from 303 to 325
- HEAT penetration increased from 266 to 286
- LAV-300
- Increased cannon depression on the Front/Sides/Rear to -7 / -9 / -8 degrees
- LAV-600
- Stock AP penetration increased from 363 to 381
- First AP upgrade penetration increased from 381 to 400
- Second AP upgrade penetration increased from 390 to 410
- Third AP upgrade penetration increased from 408 to 429
- Stock HEAT penetration increased from 334 to 351
- First HEAT upgrade penetration increased from 341 to 358
- Second HEAT upgrade penetration increased from 356 to 365
- Increased cannon depression on the Front/Sides/Rear to -4.5 / -12 / -6 degrees
- Leopard 1
- Increased cannon depression on the Front/Sides to -10 / -9.35 degrees
- Leopard 1A5
- Increased cannon depression on the Front to -10 degrees
- Leopard 2
- Increased cannon depression on the Front/Sides/Rear to -10 / -10 / -1 degrees
- M1 Abrams
- The M1 Abrams has received a new model.
- M1128 Stryker
- The Stryker already has excellent penetration values, and thus it is not receiving a penetration boost in this pass. We are looking at some of its other capabilities, however.
- Increased cannon depression on the Front/Sides/Rear to - 6 / -13 / -10 degrees
- Increased cannon elevation to 12 degrees.
- We plan on adding more elevation to the Stryker in order to match its real life performance, but this requires some art changes to be completed first.
- Stingray 1
- Stock AP penetration increased from 278 to 311
- First AP upgrade penetration increased from 292 to 327
- Second AP upgrade penetration increased from 299 to 334
- Third AP upgrade penetration increased from 320 to 350
- Stock HEAT round penetration increased from 262 to 280
- Upgraded HEAT round penetration increased from 274 to 299
- Stingray 2
- Stock AP penetration increased from 334 to 365
- First AP upgrade penetration increased from 350 to 384
- Second AP upgrade penetration increased from 359 to 393
- Third AP upgrade penetration increased from 375 to 411
- Stock HEAT penetration increased from 296 to 324
- First HEAT upgrade penetration increased from 310 to 339
- Second HEAT upgrade penetration increased from 317 to 346
- Third HEAT upgrade penetration increased from 330 to 361
- Taifun
- AP penetration increased from 326 to 362
- HEAT penetration increased from 287 to 316
- T-80
- Increased the minimum armor thickness of the vehicle to be on par with the preceding T-72A. Due to its already improved armor composition, this change will make the T-80's weak points on the turret - including the flat portions in front of the commander's cupola- to appear on average as yellow to Tier 7 penetration values instead of green like before.
- VFM 5
- AP Penetration increased from 303 to 325
- HEAT Penetration increased from 266 to 286
- XM8
- Stock AP penetration increased from 436 to 468
- First AP upgrade penetration increased from 458 to 492
- Second AP upgrade penetration increased from 468 to 504
- Third AP upgrade penetration increased from 490 to 515
- First HEAT upgrade penetration increased from 383 to 412
- Second HEAT upgrade penetration increased from 401 to 431
- Third HEAT upgrade penetration increased from 410 to 440
- M8
- This vehicle already has solid penetration and didn't get a buff during this pass.
- Added Smoke grenades as an upgrade option
- Warrior
- Increased its base armor thickness to bring it up to 14.5mm of all-around protection, accurate to the real world equivalent. The applique armor upgrade package should now also provide complete protection against autocannons as well, making it a viable alternative to the vehicle's ERA upgrade package.
- AMX-10 PAC 90
- Armor changes
- All vehicle wheels have been reduced from an effective armor resistance of 15mm for non-MBTs and 25mm for MBTs to a universal 6mm; this includes AFVs with tires. The reason for this change is to prevent unwanted behavior caused by shots striking wheels at extreme angles, potentially rocketing up the effective armor thickness from 150 to 250mm. Players should now see more consistent shot behavior when shooting at vehicles from the sides.
- The underbelly armor of all vehicles has been redone, reducing its effectiveness to no longer auto-ricochet shots. Firing at the occasional underbelly of a vehicle going over a rise - protected in the past by the extreme angle this tends to generate- will now result in the shot penetrating and damaging the vehicle.
- Cupolas have always been intended to present a vulnerable weak point on MBTs; however, due to realistic thicknesses and our accuracy to the copulas shape and angle, the majority have caused shots to auto-ricochet off of them. As a result, players often found only small slivers on the raised lips of the cupolas to be vulnerable, leading to a large degree of 'pixel hunting'. To address this, the nominal thickness of all hatches has been reduced to 25mm. This means any cannon of 76mm or higher will never fail to penetrate either a hull or turret cupola on a direct hit, dealing the intended amount of damage. Lower caliber cannons will still ricochet at extreme angles like before, but can now penetrate the lip or flat portions of the cupola, allowing for some frontal damage with good aiming at close proximity.
- Previously, shooting cupolas that were not part of an MBT's turret did an additional 10% damage. This critical damage has been removed from all vehicles; shooting a cupola will instead do normal penetration damage in these cases. Additionally, Light Tanks have been adjusted, and now gain the same damage reduction to turret cupolas as MBTs.
- Vehicle cannons will no longer ricochet enemy shots. Previously, due to their rounded shape, vehicle cannons were deflecting shots or providing unwanted protection defensively. The armor thickness of all cannons has been reduced to remove this behavior and allow even Autocannons to damage them from any angle. Like before, damaging cannons only affects the module and does not inflict damage to the vehicle hull.
- The in-game camera has been altered so that it can no longer clip into destroyed tanks or props.
IV. Maps
Map Bugs
PvE Bugs
V. Other
- BMP-1 - Fixed an issue where the drowning indicator for the vehicle was displaying wrong.
- BMP-3M Corrected the composition of the vehicle's hull to military aluminum instead of steel
- BMPT-72 Terminator 2 - Fixed an issue where the base of the vehicle's cannon was missing armor collision.
- Challenger 1 - Fixed an issue where the wrong stats were being displayed when equipping the vehicle's Applique armor package.
- Challenger 1 - Fixed an issue where the rear-left portion of the vehicle's turret was unintentionally penetrable from the front.
- Chieftain Mk 5 - Fixed an issue where the wrong stats were being displayed when equipping the vehicle's Stillbrew Applique Armor Package.
- B1 Draco - Added missing commander sight point within the small slit on the left of the turret.
- Leopard 2A5 - Fixed an issue causing the vehicles hull to not display paint and camo correctly
- Leopard 2A6 - Fixed an issue with the vehicle's turret cupolas causing them to display as non-penetrable.
- M1 - Fixed the spaced armor composition of the vehicle's side-skirts. Before it was inadvertently providing too much protection. It has since been reduced to the same levels as the A1/A2.
- M1A1 - Fixed an issue causing an unintended increase in the rear armor thickness of the vehicle when equipped with the improved armor composition packages.
- M1A2 - Fixed an issue causing an unintended increase in the rear armor thickness of the vehicle when equipped with the improved armor composition packages.
- Stingray 2 - Fixed an issue where the cannon color did not change when switching camouflage.
- Stingray 2 - Fixed an issue where the engine fire VFX was misplaced
- T-62 Veteran - Fixed an issue where the T-62 Veteran did not display the same defence bar value as the regular T-62 despite having the same armor stats
- T-72 - Fixed an issue where the dust kick up VFX were appearing above the dust guard.
- T-90 - Fixed an issue where the T-90 was missing spaced armor under the cannon base
- T-92 - Fixed instances of erroneous critical hit damage being applied to the vehicle when striking the ballistic glass view-ports
- T-90MS - Fixed an issue where red textures would appear on the turret when viewed on low graphical settings
- Type 80-I - Fixed an issue where part of the driver sight was misplaced.
- Type 80-I - Fixed an issue where decals on the right side of the turret were rendering wrong.
- Type 80-I - Fixed an issue where the Crew Sights texture was rending wrong.
- Type 80-II - Fixed an issue where the vehicle's treads were rendering incorrectly.
- Type 85 - Fixed an issue where spotting helpers did not cover the top of the turret.
- Type 90-II - Fixed an issue where a Battalion decal was being covered by the ERA package.
- Type 90-II - Fixed an issue where the engine exhaust vents on the vehicle were using the incorrect armor composition value
- Type 90-II - Fixed an issue where exhaust smoke was not coming out of the proper vent locations
- Type 98 - Fixed an issued where the vehicle's tracks appeared to be empty and were clipping.
- Type 98 - Fixed an issue where the vehicle's tracks were changing color when applying camouflage.
- Wiesel 1 - Fixed an issue where decals would not display properly when the vehicle was equipped with the cannon upgrade
IV. Maps
- Added three new PvE maps to the rotation:
- Albatross
- Cerberus
- Frostbite
- Added the new map 'Highwall' to the PvP map rotation
- Designers have gone through and made a lighting pass to update map wide lighting variances for the following PvE maps:
- Spearhead
- Umbrella
- Sapphire
- Ricochet
- The minimap has been updated for the following maps:
- Snakebit
- Perseus
- Cavalry
- Banshee
Mission Reward Improvements - As a part of our continuing improvements to PvE rewards, we've identified some missions that aren't rewarding quite enough for their current difficulty and duration.These are only increases; we're not decreasing the rewards for any of the missions that are rewarding more than average at this time, but that could happen in the future if they end up being vastly too efficient compared to other missions.
- This pass is for Primary Objective changes. Secondary Objectives will be adjusted further based on their relative difficulty in the future.
- Primary Objective Reward Increases:
- Stormy Winter: Reputation increased from 98 to 147. Credits increased from 2520 to 3780
- Ghost Hunter: Reputation increased from 28 per Objective to 52 per objective. Credits increased from 720 per Objective to 1350 per Objective
- Perseus: Reputation increased from 28 per objective to 63 per objective. Credits increased from 720 per Objective to 1620 per Objective
- Rolling Thunder: Reputation increased from 52 per objective to 63 per objective. Credits increased from 1350 per Objective to 1620 per Objective
- Starry Night: Reputation increased from 37 per objective to 42 per objective. Credits increased from 900 per Objective to 1080 per Objective
- Wildfire: Reputation increased from 35 per Objective to 52 per Objective. Credits increased from 900 per Objective to 1350 per Objective
- Red Opossum: Primary Objective Reputation increased from 35 per Objective to 45 per Objective. Primary Objective Credits increased from 900 per Objective to 1170 per Objective
- This should help some of these missions, especially the ones that take longer to complete like Perseus and Ghost Hunter, feel more rewarding for the amount of time and effort they take.
- Primary Objective Reward Increases:
Map Bugs
- Anvil - Fixed an issue where it was possible for players to escape the map boundaries.
- Banshee - Fixed an issue where invisible walls and blocks of collisions were found on the map in various cells.
- Banshee - Fixed an issue where map assets were floating in the air.
- Banshee - Fixed an issue where the silo near B5 was missing collision
- Cavalry - Fixed an issue where map assets and debris were floating in the air.
- Coastal Threat - Fixed an issue causing broken building textures.
- Coastal Threat - Fixed an issue where vehicles could get stuck under wagon props in various cells.
- Cold Strike - Fixed an issue where textures on buildings were missing on Low Graphics setting.
- Cold Strike - Fixed issues with LoD when using Artillery mode.
- Direwolf - Fixed an issue where all mission objectives were missing strings.
- Ghost Hunter - Fixed an issue where the wrong textured would be observed on the map when changing LoD in Artillery mode.
- Ghost Field - Fixed an issue causing water and puddle VFX to go missing when firing into them from a distance.
- Harbinger - Fixed an issue causing map assets and vehicle props to clip into the ground.
- Harbinger - Fixed an issue where the mini-map boundaries and the map boundaries did not matchup.
- Hydra - Fixed an issue where players could get into non-playable areas of the map.
- Kodiak - Fixed an issue where VO for the third defense point was overlapping.
- Life Jacket - Fixed an issue where level of detail was being lost at various places on the map.
- Life Jacket - Fixed an issue where the defeat cinematic displayed broken rendering.
- Life Jacket - Fixed an issue where ground textures were floating above the map floor.
- Life Jacket - Fixed an issue where secondary objectives were missing.
- Lost Island - Fixed an issue where the wrong VFX were playing when vehicles drove through water.
- Lost Island - Fixed an issue where ground textures on the map were misplaced or rendering incorrectly.
- Meltdown - Fixed an issue where Primary Objectives were missing from the UI duration countdown.
- Meltdown - Fixed an issue where map assets appeared to be floating in the air.
- Onyx - Fixed an issue where AI interaction was unintentionally tapering off at the end of missions.
- Onyx - Fixed an issue where VO for the secondary objective played after the secondary objective time has ended.
- Pipelines - Fixed an issue where invisible walls were causing collision on the map.
- Pipelines - Fixed an issue where map assets were missing collision.
- Port Storm - Fixed an issue where map assets appeared to be floating in the air.
- Quarterback - Fixed an issue where primary and secondary objectives were not displaying during the countdown timer.
- Quarterback - Fixed an issue where the map border would disappear depending on camera angle.
- Red Opossum - Fixed an issue where players were able to drive into non-playable areas on the map.
- Riverpoint - Fixed an issue where invisible collision was popping up on the map.
- River Point - Fixed an issue where lower quality settings were causing LoD issues on the bell tower.
- River Point - Fixed an issue where the South Side artillery spawn was too far from the main group
- Rolling Thunder - Fixed an issue where map assets positions were offset.
- Rolling Thunder - Fixed an issue where players were able to see beneath the map in certain cells.
- Rolling Thunder - Fixed an issue where AI waves were approaching the second objective point too slowly.
- Roughneck - Fixed an issue causing map assets and debris to float above the ground.
- Roughneck - Fixed an issue where map assets were missing collision.
- Rolling Thunder - Fixed an issue causing broken level of detail on map assets.
- Starry Night - Fixed an issue where the 3rd primary objective would be swarmed by AI almost immediately upon activating
- Starry Night - Fixed an issue where the 2nd primary objective would not be attacked by all AI on medium difficulty
- Starry Night - Fixed an issue where an enemy AI would sometimes spawn directly behind the player artillery spawn point.
- Sapphire - Fixed an issue that caused SPG vehicles to see the map inside out.
- Sapphire - Fixed an issue where invisible walls were popping up on the map in various places.
- Scorpio - Fixed an issue where the mission didn't end even if all AI were destroyed, players captured the base, and no new AI spawned.
- Scorpio - Fixed an issue where SPG vehicles could complete secondary objectives without spotting them.
- Snake Bite - Fixed an issue where players could drive into non-playable areas on the map.
- Spearhead - Fixed an issue where failing secondary objective did not generate appropriate VO.
- Starry Night - Fixed an issue causing map assets and debris to float above the ground.
- Starry Night - Fixed an issue where invisible textures would appear in certain cells on the map.
- Starry Night - Fixed an issue where players could get stuck at various points in the riverbed.
- Starry Night - Fixed an issue where AI were able to capture the base within 20 seconds of the match starting.
- Tsunami - Fixed an issue where level of detail would disappear on vehicles in certain map cells.
- Umbrella - Fixed an issue where players in the XM1 could get stuck in certain cells.
- Umbrella - Fixed an issue where Primary Objectives were missing from the UI duration countdown.
- Umbrella - Fixed an issue where AI were spawning in and becoming stuck in the map.
- Wildfire - Fixed an issue where VO for the secondary mission would play even after failing the mission.
PvE Bugs
- Fixed an issue where map props were displaying health bars.
- Fixed issues with AI spawning directly behind players on Hard Mode.
V. Other
- Fixed an issue where female commander portraits were using male voice clips.
- Fixed an issue where the incorrect audio loop played when being hit for 1 damage.
- Fixed an issue where zooming out when viewing the base would make various base components appear to float at a distance.
Patch 0.14 Preliminary
Reviewed by Anton

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