Finally !! I have enough $$ to buy Collector's edition, for some reason I decide to buy Operation lightning. You can buy Collector's edition Operation emperor ( $74.99 ), Operation lightning ( $39.99 ) and Operation Typhoon ( $39.99 ) here or Click on pic bellow ( Help and support Dev's if you like Armored Warfare )
By purchasing Operation lightning, you get RDF/LT Light tank, 60 days premium time, 3.000.000 credits, 3250 golds, +25% boost for 1 week and arcivement LIGHTNING. You don't like RDF/LT but you like MOWAG TaiFUN II ? No problem, you can buy Operation Typhoon ( all's same. The different is tank you get ).
The focus in this post is RDF/LT exclusive premium LT. You can't buy this LT with gold, only buy Operation Emperor or Operation Lightning. Worth to buy ? Let's see .....
My first impression with this LT is "this Light Tank is so small. And look at the little cannon. what can he do ??" Yeah, RDF/LT bring 76mm cannon, it's small but pain !!
Fire Power
RDF/LT have 76mm cannon with 312mm penetration and 246 demage. The reload time is amazing fast, only 2.94s to reload, accuracy spread is good, Aim time is fast and good gun depression. And also, you get 3 different type of ammo, APFSDS, HVAP-DS and HEAT. The turrent travers speed is.... I think it's slow only 38.14 deg/s , VFM mk5 can do better.
Yeah it's a Light tank, you only get 16mm frontal hull, 16mm side hull and 10mm rear. Turrent armor is 14mm fornt, 12mm side and 12mm rear. Armor effectiveness is :
Not good armor right ? Only miracle can save you from enemy round. But, it's a light tank, you do different rule with MBT. Never show your ass to enemy, they love it :D
Mobility is good, but not superb. Hull travers speed is fast but not fastest , acceleration is fast but not fastest in this tier and top speed is worst than Stingray and VFM mk5, but it's enough to run from MBT XD . This LT is OK, but I'm not impressed, VFM mk5 is more mobile.
RDF/LT have 3 retrofits slot, 2 Universal slots and 1 technology slot. In my mine, I use Advanced Thermal Sleeve mk1 and Gyroscopic Stabilizers mk1 for Universal slot and Intercom Systems mk3 for technology slot. I'm focus in Fire power.
I already do some PVP and PVE match with RDF/LT, my opinion is this LT is good, I like it. This LT can bring serious terror to enemy team if you know how to drive it. Something missing is Smoke grenade, This LT not have smoke grenade. It's serious problem with me. Other LT have 3 smoke grenade but this LT have no 1. My opinion is RDF/LT is worth to be your collection, my reason is RAPID FIRE. This LT is very fast reload time, aiming time is fast too. It's so fun to shot tank again again and again. Other reason is of course, credit maker.
Reviewed by Unknown

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