Hello guys
My.com and OE already release Patch 0.14 that bring change to the game, new PVP map, new PVE mission, Replay kit and High tier ballance yesterday, they release some Exclusive pack after patch 0.14 live, it's a Wolf Pack.
Wolf pack only can be purchase ONLY with gold. Yeah gold, so you must buy gold before. The price ? Honestly, it's not cheap. Wolf pack itself cost 20000 gold ( $84.48 for 15000+5000 gold ). What you get ? You get 4 exclusive premium tank, Tier 7 Challenger 1, Tier 7 Wiesel, Tier 7 Centauro 120 and Tier 5 BMD-2, all of them painted with unique camo and level 5 crew, (it give you 10% to stats) and 28 days 50% booster.
"Oh they are cool, but I juts want a Chally/centauro/wiesel/bmd-2. Can I buy only tank I want ?" YES you can. But you get 30% boost for 7 days each tank. You can't buy the 50% booster for 28 days. Here :
1. Wolf pack is 20000 gold (15000 + 5000 = $62.49 + $21.99 = $84.48 or Rp.1.233.408)
2. Challenger 1 Wolf is 7000 gold (5000 + 1000 + 1000 = $21.99 + $4.99 + $4.99 = $31.97 or Rp.466.762)
3. Centauro 120 Wolf is 7000 (5000 + 1000 + 1000 = $21.99 + $4.99 + $4.99 = $31.97 or Rp.466.762)
4. Wiesel 1 Wolf is 7000 (5000 + 1000 + 1000 = $21.99 + $4.99 + $4.99 = $31.97 or Rp.466.762 )
5. BMD-2 Wolf is 3000 gold (1500 + 1500 = $6.99 + $6.99 = $13.98 or Rp.204.104)
Some people in forum say Wolf pack is not worth to buy and prostest due the price. No one force you to buy. You like it and have some $ ? buy. You don't like it? Don't buy. EASY. No one force you to buy Wolf pack, even if you didn't buy it, you can still play AW.
It's a premium tank, so it give you so much credit every match you have. In PVP yeah, it's so much credit you get if you use it well. In PVE ? I think you get much credit but not as the PVP ( in PVE hard ofc ).
Guys, keep in mind, Wolf pack tank are in shop for limited time (24th of march to the 6th april 2016). That mean, maybe you can't buy it in future and become exclusive premium only for Open beta. And..... If Wolf tank are come back to shop, the price is more expensive ( like the Leopard 2AV ICE and MBT-70 MERC they sell in shop at st.Patrick day yesterday ).
So, what you waiting for ?
Reviewed by Unknown

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